Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Resolution or A Goal?

The last few days of each year I try to set aside some time to reflect and evaluate what I want to accomplish in the New Year ahead. It’s basically a three-step process:

1. Revisit and review last year’s goals and evaluate progress made.
2. Establish new goals for the New Year.
3. Ask God for a theme for the New Year. (This is already done: for ’09…it’s Forward by Faith)

I follow the process Jeff Leake, Lead Pastor of Allison Park Church, recommends:

· Name Your Year - determine the theme of what you want God to do in 2009.
· Evaluate Your Past - consider what you did well last year and what you need to work on.
· Set Life Goals - write out the larger dreams you have for the rest of your days.
· Write '09 Goals - what are your targets for the next 12 months?

I’ve decided to use the term “goals” instead of “resolutions.” Resolutions often are perfection based, whereas goals are targets. Shooting for something moves us forward more than shooting for nothing.

So what are my '08 goals? I will share that soon...

In the meantime, I’d like to hear some of yours!

1 comment:

DAS said...

My goal is to read the Bible every day, even if only for five minutes.