Friday, December 26, 2008

How Big Is God?

How big is your God? How big is Jesus in your life? I'm convinced that the way we live is a consequence of the size of our God. The primary problem in our lives is we are not convinced that we are absolutely safe in the hands of a fully- competent, all-knowing, ever-present, utterly loving, infinitely big God.

If I wake up in the morning and go through the day with a small, shrunken God, there are consequences. I will live in a constant state of fear and anxiety, because everything depends on me, and my mood will be governed by whatever circumstances hit me that day.

If I live with a small God, I will find it unnatural to pray when I have a need, because I'm not really sure, to be honest, that God makes a difference and that prayer matters. If I live with a small God, I will become a slave to whatever other people think of me, because I don't live in the security of a big God's acceptance of me.

When human beings shrink God, they pray without faith, worship without awe, serve without joy, suffer without hope, and the result is a life of stagnation and fear, a loss of vision, an inability to persevere and see it through.

It's against this backdrop the writers of Scripture never tire of telling us that we do not live with a little tribal God. Whatever we need, God is bigger. Whatever our weakness, God is stronger!

Join us at Christian Life Center for the final Sunday in 2008 as we discover what it's like to live with a God who is so big He can do anything!


Ruthie said...

What a great reminder! I admit, there are times I am guilty of thinking God id not big enough. Thank you for pumping up my faith!

DAS said...

The first 10 minutes after I wake up is the worst, most overwhelming time of the day.

It is when all my anxieties and insecurities, past and present, flood my thoughts ....

It's not until I pray, splash some warm water on my face, and sip some coffee (in that order, usually) that I feel ready to face the day.

Pastor Del on Sunday (Dec28) likewise said the first minutes of his day are sometimes filled with worry and anxious thoughts. It was like he was describing my experience.