Friday, April 10, 2009


Effective immediately my blog has been moved to a new site. You can access it here:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

All You Can Eat

I know this may not be too surprising to many of you, but I like to eat. As a typical man I live with the TV remote control attached to my hand, but will always stop when I come across the Food Network. I love it...a TV channel about one of my favorite hobbies!

Not too long ago I heard about a restaurant in Denver that's right up my ally! They charge no set price for their meals. It's called the So All May Eat (SAME) Cafe. They operate on a "pay what you want" model.

No set prices. Customers can pay whatever they want. If you're unable to pay, they ask you to volunteer for an hour.

The cafe is an alternative to a soup kitchen. The food is good enough (it's organically grown health food) that customers don't mind paying for it; it's inexpensive enough that anyone eat there. Some people pay $10 for the cafe's pizza and salads, some pay for their meals by bussing tables and washing dishes.

I don't know if the owners, Brad and Libby Burky, are Christ followers -- but this is a great model for churches to follow. It's how the early church was described.

All the believers were together and had everything in common. (Acts 2:44)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Finally...Gordon Wins!

A beautiful Sunday afternoon was made all the more better watching Jeff Gordon win his 82nd race. He now has won a race on every NASCAR track but one...quite an accomplishment.

More importantly he leads the points standings and appears to be well on his way to a great year!

Friday, April 3, 2009


It's been a few days since my last blog entry. I'm in the process of making some changes to the look and feel of "Life @ The Center." You'll notice them very soon!

At the moment I'm sitting in the Dallas-Fort Worth International airport waiting to board an American Airlines flight back to Philly. I've been here for a couple of days of meetings.

I've completed Sunday morning's message, which will be the final portion of the Truth Project. I'm looking forward to it...should be a great day!

The entire Truth Project has been a great experience. I've heard from many who have enjoyed their small group discussions. The Truth Project "study" may be over, but the journey will continue.

This Sunday we are going to talk about “COMMUNITY AND INVOLEMENT: GOD CARES, DO I?”

The parable of the Good Samaritan offers a challenge for each of us, just as it did for those whom Jesus first told the story to. It challenges us to examine our own hearts and consider who the Samaritans in our lives are.

It further challenges us because Jesus calls us to live as "neighbors" to those we may think of as "untouchables," those people we'd just as soon not have any contact with at all.

But as Jesus Christ makes so very clear in the Parable of the Good Samaritan and in so many other examples from his life, there are no untouchables in the Kingdom of God. We are all created in the Divine Image, and we are all called to love each other.

Jesus made this very clear on the last night of his earthly life, when he told his disciples he was giving them a new commandment: "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

This Sunday we’ll discover the One who went to the cross for you and for me is calling us to "Go and do likewise."