Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I don't know if you have heard the Christian Bale audio that has been posted all over the place in the last couple of months. It's better if you haven't, actually. It's a profanity laced rant that the movie star (star of the new Terminator movie) unleashed on a member of crew.

Apparently the guy blocked some of Mr. Bale's light during a scene, and Bale went ballistic. I heard a portion of it on TV, so much of it was bleeped out, but it was pretty intense.

It's not uncommon to see certain celebrities throw tantrums and demand special treatment. We just think they're spoiled, but one psychiatrist, Cornell's Robert B. Millman, says they're not spoiled, they're sick. The affliction is Acquired Situational Narcissism.

ASN develops when once-ordinary people achieve extra-ordinary success, such as winning an Oscar or being named rookie of the year. This double-dose of adulation loosens people's grip on reality and they become (according to Millman) "unbelievably self-involved because of the attention from us. We make it so." [From Reader's Digest April 2002]

Even though most of us will never be at risk of getting Acquired Situational Narcissism -- our lives are far too ordinary -- we all struggle with the temptation of becoming overly self-involved. We sometimes imagine minor-league celebrity status for ourselves and become prima donnas in the work-place, or at church, or at home.

A remedy for this tendency is to remember Paul's words...in humility, consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)

1 comment:

DAS said...

The sermon at Wednesday night's prayer meeting was really uplifting ... and exactly what I needed.

It is liberating and overwhelming at the same time, thinking that God is aware of every thought and action every minute of the day and night.