Sunday, March 22, 2009

Are People This Crazy?

There's a Maytag commercial in heavy rotation these days. Maybe you've seen it: It involves a four wheel drive pick up and two parallel rows of about two dozen washing machines.

As the truck drives over the machines, you see the inevitable disclaimer: "Do not attempt."

Do they really think someone will go out and purchase 50 washing machines (an investment of about $40,000) and try to drive over them with a really big, expensive truck? I guess they do.

I know it's there for legal reasons -- because maybe someone actually is crazy enough to try driving over a row of washing machines. Maytag doesn't want to get sued if the experiment ends badly.

And so for that one oddball, they're forced to protect themselves with small print.

1 comment:

Cynthia Bridge said...

Just like the McDonalds Coffee cup reads "Caution contents are Hot"