Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Whom NOT To Marry

For those of you praying to find a godly spouse I offer the following....pretty smart advice if you ask me!

For 40 years Father Pat Connor, a 79 year old priest based in Bordentown, NJ, has been giving a talk to teens and young adults called "Whom Not To Marry." Most of his listeners are girls; they tend to be more interested -- but the rules work both ways.

The New York Times posted an article about him, with a summary of his message. I have summarized the summary and rephrased the "don'ts" into "do's." Here are the main points.

1. Marry a person who has friends; this is indication that he/she is capable of the intimacy that marriage demands.
2. Marry a person who uses money well -- not stingy, but not foolish.
3. Marry a person with a backbone, not someone whose life you can run. It's good to have a doormat in the home, but not if it's your spouse.
4. Marry a person who is capable of making his or her own decisions.
5. Marry a person who shares your sense of humor.
6. Marry a person who is able to talk things out.
7. Marry a person with character traits that you admire.


Joybelle said...

Good news! I'm gonna send this to my singles' small group. We're anticipating our upcoming seminar called "Avoiding Unhealthy Dating Relationships". I know-you would think by our age, we would know how to pick the good fruit. But-hey, some of us are new at doing things God's way & have a lot of disciplines to learn to restructure the foundations of a new life. It's a little disappointing that all those good relationship-building books & seminars are targeted toward youth before they make mistakes & exclude the older ones who never had those opportunities & have already made them & have to start all over on a different level of maturity & experience. Somebody "go there", will ya!!

Momofboys said...

now where were you when I was picking a man!...HAHAHA...JUST KIDDING! God has blessed me with a wonderful man of God and I cannot be more thankful! I pray that those who are seeking will find Him first...here is a quote I have on my facebook that you may want to share with others in the search..."A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her." (don't know who said it...but could be applied for a man too!)