Thursday, July 17, 2008

Holy Spirit

This Sunday is part two of our Experiencing God series on the Holy Spirit. I'll be speaking from the Old Testament book of Joel and the New Testament book of Acts. You cannot understand Joel 2 and Acts 2 apart from God’s great purpose to empower his people with the Spirit so they will take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Joel 2:28 contains a direct promise from God: “I will pour out my Spirit.” Break that sentence down:

I — the sovereignty of God.
Will — the determination of God.
Pour Out — the generosity of God.
My Spirit — the personality of God.

This Sunday we'll consider this amazing promise of the Spirit from five different perspectives:

I. This is a Promise for the Last Days.
(Acts 2:16)

II. This is a Promise for All People.
(Acts 2:17)

III. This is a Promise for All Groups.
(Acts 2:18)

IV. This is a Promise of Coming Judgment.
(Acts 2:19-20)

V. This is a Promise of Free Salvation.
(Acts 2:21)

God is more willing to pour out his Spirit than we are to receive his outpouring. The problem is never with God. It’s always with us. God has more he wants to do in our midst. There are new adventures in store for us if we will “catch the wave” of the Spirit.

If you have the opportunity read the second chapter of Joel and the second chapter of Acts before Sunday. We'll talk more about the power of the Holy Spirit and his influence in our lives!


Momofboys said...

Great message today Pastor Del! I'm so glad that you are preaching on the Holy Spirit. I think so many believers (whether new or old) don't understand it. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit speaks to them while you are trying to explain him!!

mgoshow said...

Thanks for your message last night on the Holy Spirit. I disagree with you on the baptisim of the Holy Spirt, and here's why. This is in no way to argue or debate with you or show any disrespect or to make you see it my way. Its just my interpetatation of it and I wanted to know what you thought.

In 1 Corn 12:13 it states (NKJV) " For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. I take the Word of God literally in most cases. And I think when he says we were ALL baptized into oine body that means all, I don't think it means that who need to speak in tongues as a sign that you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Also the entire 12th chapter of 1 Corninthians talks about Unity in Diversity, if were were all gifted with tounges as a true sign of the baptism in the Spirt then we could not help the other members of the body? it say we are the body of Christ and members indivually 1 Corn 12:27. what do you think?
God Bless Mark

Del Smith said...

No disrespect taken, Mark. As you said, it's your interpetatation, and thankfully as I said last night others will have different opinions regarding various biblical texts, etc. Yet, we're still a part of the body of Christ!