Monday, July 21, 2008

From Me To You...

I may not say it much, but I'm extremely honored to be the Senior Pastor of Christian Life Center. It's an incredible privilege to serve you in this capacity. Speaking for both Marvina and myself, we love you and are humbled to be included in your lives!

Every week or so I get an email from John Maxwell dealing primarily with leadership issues, etc. He tells a story about Tip O'Neill, former Speaker of the House in D.C. One election day an elderly neighbor came to him after leaving the polls and said, "Tip, I voted for you today even though you didn't ask me."

This surprised O'Neill. He said, "Mrs. O'Brian, I've known you all my life. I took your garbage out for you, I mowed your lawn, I shoveled snow for you. I didn't think I had to ask."

She answered him in a motherly tone: "Tip, it's always nice to be asked." O'Neill said he never forgot this bit of advice.

Sometimes leaders expect -- and rightfully so -- loyalty from the people we've served in the past. But we must not take this loyalty for granted. Maxwell says, "You can never tell people too often, too loudly, or too publicly how much you love them."

We truly do love you! Thanks for entrusting us with the responsibility of speaking into your lives!

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