Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Ultimate Life-style!

Wednesday August 6th we’ll begin a mid-week summer series called "Prayer: The Ultimate Lifestyle." For the next few weeks we'll be focusing on prayer as a lifestyle.

Paul said to the Thessalonians, Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). How do we do that? If prayer was just an exercise that we go through that required us to assume a certain posture and recite certain phrases, then following Paul's commandment would be impossible.

But prayer is much more than that. It's not just something you do occasionally, or even for a few minutes every day.

Prayer, when applied to your life the way God intended it to be, is a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week conversation with God. It is a lifestyle!

I hope you can join us on Wednesdays as we learn together about this on-going conversation God wants to have with all of us.

1 comment:

Sandy Notter said...

Almost didn't attend last evening, as my stomach was doing cartwheels, however, entering in, finding a quiet place, leaving the world behind, was exactly what the Great Physician ordered.
The message was simple, but powerful; begin praying, pray without ceasing - 24/7, any where - any place, be honest with God, share your heart.
So glad the Holy Spirit kept prodding me to be there... time well spent! Once arriving, didn't want to leave!
My spirit found all the actors attentive and sensitive to God's agenda, allowing Him to take Center Stage. Hallelujah! It was as if we were experiencing Moses' request of the Lord, "Show us your glory!"
All our prayers are coming to fruition, "Lord, bring revival!"

Our Soul’s Passion
Written in the Lord’s service
June 21, 2006

There’s no one – like You
You are – the One and Only
You’re holy – set apart
Anointed – Son of God
And You love us – You purchased Redeemed us – Christ Jesus
We love You – we need You
We worship – with all our hearts

Could You send
A glimpse of heaven
Show Your glory
Come fill this place
Change our hearts
Give us more compassion
Be our desire
Consuming Fire -
Our soul’s passion
Our soul’s passion