Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Too Soon To Quit!

I mentioned a couple of days ago about the series, "Whatta Comeback!" we'll be starting this Sunday at CLC. It's all about the disciple Peter and his up's and down's in his faith journey. This Sunday part one is called "Stay In The Game." Norman Vincent Peale used to say, "It's always too soon to quit."

This reminds me of a quote attributed to Ross Perot: "Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the on the one-yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot away from a winning touchdown." Pretty profound for businessman-turned-politician!

On this subject, Paul encouraged us, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9)

The "proper time" sometimes takes a little longer to arrive than we like. And sometimes it feels like the proper time will never arrive. This is when we need we need to engage our faith. It's when we need to determine to dig in and stick around a little longer. It's never a good time to quit.

B.C. Forbes said, "History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before the triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats."

The life of a Christ follower -- and more specifically, the ministry -- consists of overcoming one defeat after another. That's because we're in a spiritual battle and everyday we confront the enemy. We may lose a little ground from time to time, but we will not lose the war. We have been promised victory -- a harvest of righteousness -- if we do not give up. It's always too soon to quit!

1 comment:

Sandy Notter said...

"Well done thy good and faithful servant." Seven words, I long to hear my heavenly Father say. Also, to see my Savior's face, what a great reward. Better than any accolades, any trophy, any award achieved here on this Earth! However, I confess, our churches have an unquenchable thirst for recognition for their 'service unto the Lord'. Our service should be done in secret, with right motives and a pure heart. We should be placing others before ourselves, submitting to one another in love, and living in unity, instead we venture to gain that competitive edge - to win, not realizing the souls we wound along the way in our pursuit.
Twenty years ago, I heard a missionary share a message which ultimately brought me to my knees, crying out to the Lord, "Lord, give me a little portion of your heart, I need more of Your compassion." I didn't get what I bargained for, I thought he would give me this nice warm and fuzzy feeling - instead He broke my heart! What a great lesson, however, discovering His agape love - His sacrificial love, which requires that we serve others without, thought of self, a love that keeps giving no matter how much it hurts. I confess there are times I have fallen; I have been overwhelmed, with my back against the wall, enjoying an occasional pity party, sitting on the side lines while others accomplish great things for the Lord. Praise the Lord for His mercies, granting me another opportunity to confess my iniquities!
I've read in the scriptures, those who sow and those who reap share the same reward. Doesn't sound like competition but a partnership, teamwork. Let us prepare His coming!

Prepare the Way
In the Lord’s service June 2, 2006

How much longer Lord - must I wait for you?
How much longer Lord - until the day is through?
When that midnight hour comes - will my lamp be filled with oil - prepared for You?

There’s a voice crying out
Prepare the way - make straight the highway - for our God
There’s a voice crying out
Prepare the way - make straight the highway - for our King

Sitting in this quiet room, hoping for a glimpse of You
Walking this narrow path, wondering if my works will last
When the midnight hour comes - will my clothes be linen white - prepared for You?

There’s a voice crying out
Prepare the way - make straight the highway - for our God
There’s a voice crying out
Prepare the way - make straight the highway - for our King
So His glory may be seen, so His glory may be seen

Be the voice crying out
Prepare the way- make straight the highway – for our God
Be the voice crying out
Prepare the way – make straight the highway – for our King
So His glory may be seen, so His glory may be seen.

How much longer Lord must I have to wait?
How much longer Lord? Please don’t be late.