Saturday, June 7, 2008

Middle of the night musings...

One of those nights again. Went to bed and drifted right off to sleep, only to awake a few hours later and now here I am...wide awake. I've been reading an interesting book by Donald Miller called Blue Like Jazz. The sub-title advertises it as "non-religious thoughts on Christian Spirituality."

It's a good read. I'm enjoying his perspective on varies Christian themes, i.e. grace, faith, redemption, etc. The best line of the that caught me off this: "Sometimes the things we want most in life are the things that will kill us." That's sorta similar to a comment I made Wednesday evening. I was talking about Joseph...the Old Testament guy, not Jesus's dad...and I said sometimes doing the right thing can get you in the wrong place. Agree or disagree with Miller's assessment, it's nevertheless a sobering thought.

It's caused me to question myself. What am I chasing after? What do I want the most? And does what I want have the potential to "kill" me? And why-in-the-world-am-I-up-at-2:30-in- the-morning-when-I-should-be-sleeping-but-can't-cause-my-mind-won't-stop-and-gosh-I-hope-Gordon-has-a-good-finish-Sunday-and-I-hope-people-enjoy-what-I-have-to-say-in-church-and-I-wonder-if-there's-any-ice-cream-left-in-the-freezer...

I think I'll go see what's there!!!


John S. said...

I was impacted by Donald Miller's comment about the church offering folks a place at the table but never really accepting them as family. It helped me grow past simply accepting those who are different than me, and toward more meaningful relationships.

Del Smith said...

Ironically I read that chapter after I logged off last night...or this morning, whatever. I hate to admit it, but he's right. The one place true community should be present, and more times than not, it isn't.

Gerald said...

"Sometimes the things we want most in life are the things that will kill us."

Oh, how true this is. And I think it has relevance whether the things we "want" are good or bad for us--right or wrong.

What is important then, I suppose, is to reflect on whether the things we want are worth dying for.

Kevin said...

Yes! I am very excited about God's and your vision for our church and hope other people are just as excited. And now I know what to call myself--- A Spirit Led Christian want-to-be.

DAS said...

As a relative newbie (about 1-year) at Christian Life Center, I feel accepted each week I attend. Then again, I want to be accepted. I want my family to be accepted.

My neighbor was kind enough to invite me to CLC about two years ago, and it felt right the very first time. (I am gonna invite my other neighbors.) Thank you God. Thank you Pastor Del.