Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wise Up!

I could probably talk about the topic of wisdom for days, but this post will be the last word for now. As I've been reading through the Proverbs I notice there are three things we can do to put wisdom to work in our lives immediately.

First, we must believe that thoughts and behavior have consequences and produce corresponding results. When you got up this morning and made coffee, why didn't you mix in a little poison with the sugar and cream? Because you know better. You know the consequences of drinking poison, so you very wisely chose not to put arsenic in your coffee. Congratulations, you've taken the first step in putting wisdom to work in your life.

Second,we canlearn lessons from the positive and negative examples around us. We don't have to graduate from the school of hard knocks in every area of life. We can learn lessons from others. Solomon said in Proverbs 13:20, “He who walks with the wise grows wise.” To put wisdom to work in our lives, we can tap into the wisdom of others.

Third, we can immerse ourselves in God’s wisdom. How do we do that? Read his Word. I would recommend beginning with the book of Proverbs. Read these words day after day. They will seep into our consciousness, and make a difference in the decisions we make.

We can begin to put wisdom to work in our lives if we put God first, believe in consequences, and start surrounding ourselves with wisdom.

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