Saturday, May 3, 2008

One of those weeks...

It’s been one of those weeks for me. I think you know the kind; hard to pray, can’t stay focused, easily distracted, reading the Bible only because I have to not because I want to, etc. The kind of week were you feel like all you're doing is going through the motions; you can't feel anything, can't see anything, and wonder if perhaps God has gotten distracted blessing others and has overlooked you.

I'm glad weeks like these don't come along too often. However, it highlights an awesome reality about God. You see, my emotions and feelings will always be fluctuating; one day they'll be up and I'm on top of the world, and the next day they'll be down and I want to run away from it all. It can be endless cycle. But when I got up this morning I was reminded "The steadfast love of the Lord never changes."

Maybe not for you, but for me that's the most powerful reality about our God! He never changes! He loves me as much this week as he did the week before last, and He'll love me next week like He's loved me this week! Yesterday, today, and forever God is steadfast in His love for me. And God's love for you is also as strong as it's always been; no matter what your week as been like!


Anonymous said...

Interesting how there was no mention of why Peter and Ray were leaving us. Of all of the pastors to go, why was it the pastor in charge of counseling and the pastor in charge of the college ministry? It would have made more sense to see pastors in postions that could be filled by lay ministry people, like a care ministry and a small group ministry. It is amazing how the one is married to the person in charge of finances at the church. And speaking of the financial person, if the church is doing so bad financially, shouldn't we look at the person in charge of running the church finances to find the problem?

Anonymous said...

Apparently people don't listen, read, or pay wonder their lives are screwed up. Anywho...EVERYONE already knows why the two pastor's were left us. It's been communicated via, emails, letters, pulpit announcement, etc. Stay awake and you'll hear. Also, I believe they did "look at the person running the church finaces to find the problem" and that person said what everyone already knows...people aren't giving at the same level they did previously. Simple math! By the way, keep up the good work, Pastor Del! You rock!

Gerald said...

I can so totally relate to this! I'm having a similar week, and I keep reminding myself that God has everything under control. It doesn't necessarily change the feeling, but it give me perspective. It doesn't necessarily make it easier to deal with, but it gives me the hope and the energy to keep on persisting.

Julie said...

interesting how someone had a lot to say...anonymously! Wow...gutsy to say all that without revealing who you are.
About the actual is wonderful that even though God doesn't promise to keep us from trouble...he promises to walk us through trouble. Isn't it comforting to know his hand is always on us!

DAS said...

To me, Pastor Del has the gift of perfect verbal pitch. (well, almost)

I feel like I can always understand what he is trying to say.

churchoftoday said...

Well this is intersting. Kinda Hostile too.PEople Give when God stirs them to give. LEts recap over the last few years. Too see whats wrong
1. Cawston comes up with the idea to build a youth building and says he will get it paid for. Did not happen church saddled with $1.6 million of debt (not biblical)
2. Rock Creek Church sponorship (AKA Jon Cawston) $2500.00 a month plus $2500.00 additional non missions. (It's a family thing)
3. Cawston Resigns very long transition costing the church more than likely over $100,000

Now lets look at the leadership let's start with the board, look at the makeup of the board, they are a bunch of YES men, no representation of the congregation, and held no accountability of the Senior Pastor. Also this church recylces the same board members over and over. So you get what you get,
Now lets go to the Church Leadership, again no accountability, all worried about their own jobs than doing the right thing. Did any one of these men follow the bible when it talks about having a problem with a brother? (Matthew 18:15-17) Did they do this??? Nope. So the entire leadership refused to hold a man accountable.
So before you blame the giving game, Ask yourself a Question "Did my new Senior Pastor Get a nice Raise?" Did the sheep go to the slaughter so he could propser? Before you blame, do your homework. Look at the leadership and dig and find out why God is not outpouring and why is it no matter how much we cut it is never enough. If you want to turn things around, all has to come out in the open. So Stop blaming the people in the congragation, and start dealing with the problem & demand real answers.

Michele said...

One thing that always puzzles me is why people that have such a problem with the leadership and positions of Christian Life Center continue to attend if they're so unhappy. There are plenty of other churches in the area that may be more in line with what they would like their church to be like. No one is forced to stay at CLC, so any of us can exercise our constitutional right to attend any church we would like. As for me, I'm very excited about the direction the church is going in because I believe that God will guide and work through Pastor Del to lead us into a more mature and personal relationship with God. It's up to us to do our part also - to be receptive to the Holy Spirit and not allow the worldly concerns about day to day operations and divisiveness get in the way of our mission as a church to discover God, experience His power, and have a life-changing transformation in our lives.

churchoftoday said...

Cut me a break, there is the problem, everyone is encourged to leave when there are problems. But don't you see thats why churches remain the way they are and make excuse that "We don't need to change, You need to leave" You see thats wrong, no one can argue that there are real problems at CLC, but yet I am facinated with the certain people of CLC, what I question those that rally around a man, where is your Loyalty placed? in a man (which is what I see) or is your Loyalty to God? you can't have both, you see Loyalty leads to blindness, and thats what we already have to deal with, let's stop the loyalty to men and let's be loyal to God and his word.

You see a Blind person can not see the truth, hence when you read God's word you can not see truth, be Loyal to God only and challenge your leaders, never take anything they say as truth, go back to God's word and check it for yourself, if your leaders do not do this, all you will continue to do is repeat the same mistakes.