Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More of What To Expect!

How do we make our worship experiences more effective and impactful? I’ve been asking myself that question every Sunday afternoon. For starters, we begin by streamlining some of the elements of a CLC Sunday morning experience, and then re-evaluate the entire process. I’ve tried to define it as if I was talking to a person who had never attended one of our gatherings.

Here is what a typical service might look like…

1. Music
For the first 25 minutes or so, we’ll sing some simple songs to God. Feel free to sing along or just enjoy the music from our worship leaders and musicians. Some people like to stand the entire time, and others like to sit. Many enjoy clapping and verbally expressing how they feel about God. The key is just being comfortable and feeling free to be yourself!

2. Community
We’ll give you an opportunity to make some new friends. You might meet someone from your neighborhood or from where you work…how cool would that be!

3. Prayer
No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, God is waiting for you, ready to listen to you hurt, pain, passion, and desires. During our prayer time, we take a few moments to ask God to help us with the issues of life that are common to all. Often I’ll remind us that God is big and God can do anything!

3. Giving
For those who value the mission of Christian Life Center and are learning to give, this is a time to give back to God a portion of what He’s given to us. Obviously, we don’t want our guests to feel obligated to give anything unless they feel comfortable in doing so.

4. Message
I will give a 25 to 35 minute message about applying God’s Truth to life’s challenges. We often use varies props, drama, video or life stories (testimonies) as part of our service. At the conclusion of each message people are given time to respond and make a faith commitment to surrender their lives to God.

5. Closing
A short closing prayer and that’s it. If you like, individual prayer is offered at the front of the auditorium after every service. You will find warm and caring individuals who desire to pray with you and for you at the front of the auditorium. Please feel free to come forward and stay as long as you'd like.

Feel free to connect with others after the service, check out the bookstore, or stop by the welcome center if you have any questions. (After we get the new welcome center up in the center of the foyer!)

Simple service order, but hopefully with a powerful impact.

1 comment:

Joe Perez said...

Sounds good to me. Side note: I really need to start walking more in the spirit, then in the flesh. Although I take many showers this flesh still smells. :)