Sunday, May 4, 2008

Good Stuff For Life!

This is a longer post than I usually do, so I'm going to do it in two parts. The majority of the information comes from one of the most innovative pastors in the Northeast. His comments are for those in the pastoral ministry, but the principles are easily transferable to anyone in any career.

Mark Batterson of National Community Church in Washington DC writes...“I just got an email from a pastor asking my advice: what are the top 3 things every person should know before they senior pastor their first church? I haven't done a top ten list lately so here goes. Here are a few of my off the top of my head thoughts about pastoring:”

#1 Be Yourself –
Even more important than being a pastor is being yourself. Be authentic. Be real. Share your weaknesses and struggles. Remind your congregation that you are a work in progress just like they are. Be true to the unique passions and giftings God has given you. Develop core values and core convictions.

#2 Put Your Family First –
I limit my church-related meetings to one evening per week. Establish those boundaries early on. If there is ever a conflict between family and ministry it's a no-brainer. Family first.

#3 Have Fun—
Church ought to be the most enjoyable hour of the week. Don't take yourself too seriously. The healthiest and holiest people laugh at themselves the most. Let your congregation see you laugh at yourself. Alot.

#4 Keep Learning –
Readers are leaders and leaders are readers. Once you think you have it figured out it's the beginning of the end. There are ways of doing church that no one has discovered yet. Keep experimenting. Realize that if a 100 people give you 30 minutes of their time to listen to your sermon, your message better warrant 50 hours of listening time. Study to show yourself approved. And make sure you're doing both biblical exegesis and cultural exegesis.

#5--Hire people you like hanging out with –
How much you enjoy ministry depends on who you're doing ministry with. Hire people you can laugh at. I mean with :) Hire people who love God and love life. Hire people who go the extra mile. Hire people who work hard and play hard. Hire the right people then let their portfolio conform to them like a new shoe conforms to your foot.

Great stuff, huh? Tomorrow I'll post items 6 thru 10. God bless!

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