Friday, February 6, 2009

Truth Project Pt. 4

This week we continue our journey with the fourth week of the Truth Project. This Sunday on our Worldview Tour we’ll be talking about Theology: Who is God?

Who is God? He's been described as everything from an impersonal life-force to a benevolent, personal, almighty Creator. He has been called by many names, including: "Zeus," "Jupiter," "Brahma," "Allah," "Ra," and "the Great Spirit" to name just a few. He's seen by some as "Mother Nature" and by others as "Father God." But who is He really? Who does He claim to be?

For people who don’t believe in a Divine Presence, God is just a three-letter word, a word that is spoken as derogatory slang, in fits of rage or casual conversation. There is no meaning other than to fill up a sentence. In their search for meaning in their lives, they look to what they can visualize, touch, and feel. The word ‘god’ is given to the satisfaction of their desires.

But for a Christ follower, God is the ever-living Presence who desires to be a part of our lives that He became Life to us.

He gives us promises in the Bible that were true centuries ago, are true today, and will be true tomorrow. He has promised us ‘life and life abundantly!’

1 comment:

bentzley said...

Greetings Pastor Del,
We wanted to drop you a note regarding this morning's service and in particular your sermon.

Your sermon was by far one of the finest that we have heard to date. We both left CLC this morning "very moved." We have been given a great deal to think about in terms of how we need to grow our faith.
Thank you
Tom & Eileen
By the way I have 11 translations of the bible loaded in e-sword and they all had "fool" for Psalms