Sunday, February 22, 2009

Today's The Day!

Mel Fisher spent his life diving for buried treasure. In the late 1960's he began a quest for the priceless treasure cargo of the fabled lost Spanish galleon Atocha. Every day, for more than 16 years, Mel, his wife, his children, and his band of "Treasure Salvors" explored the waters off the coast of Florida, in search of riches.

He motivated his team and kept the dream alive by beginning each day's hunt with the cry: "Today's the day!" Finally, after more than 16 years of searching, that day arrived.

On July 20, 1985 Mel Fisher's team discovered the Atocha, containing a treasure worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The days of sporadic paychecks and living hand-to-mouth were over for Mel and his team.

Solomon tells us that if we'll search for wisdom the same way Mel searched for riches, we'll find an even greater reward: the knowledge of God.

The Bible makes the bold promise that within its pages you can discover foundational truths upon which you can build your marriage, your career, your family, your finances, your friendships, your relationship to God, and every aspect of your life.

And the best part is: these truths aren't elusive. It doesn't take 16 years to find treasure. When you search the Bible for God's direction for your life, you can make a new discovery every day. On one day you'll be reminded of someone you need to forgive; on another day you'll get insight in how to deal with a problem at work; on another day you'll become aware of a sin you need to confess, and on and on.

When you open the pages of your Bible, you can truly say, "Today's the Day!" We haven't been put on earth to stumble in the dark. God's light is available to us. He speaks to us each day, giving us the direction we need, if we will only search for it.

In speaking of wisdom for daily living, Solomon said, If you look for it as silver, and search for it as hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. (Proverbs 2:4-5)

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