Friday, January 9, 2009

Having Faith!

Hosea 6:3 says, "Let us press on to know the Lord" (NAS). That’s always a good word, but it seems like a message from heaven for this moment in the history of Christian Life Center. This year we begin our 19th year of ministry in Bensalem.

From a tiny beginning in 1990, Christian Life Center has experienced God’s faithfulness across the years. Even though we have been in existence for 19 years, we have not arrived and our journey is not yet ended! We are not 19 years old, but 19 years young with much ground left to conquer for God and His kingdom.

This is no time to retire, no time to give up, and certainly no time to bask in past successes. No, this is a time for us to move forward by faith. As a matter of, “Forward by Faith” is our theme for 2009, because that which is before us is greater than that which is behind us!

This Sunday we’ll talk about what it means to have faith by defining it with six different statements that are derived from the 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews. Join us as we prepare to go forward by faith into 2009!


The Prophet said...

The punishment of the arrogance of the U.S.

"And with a claimed strong voice, saying," Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great room and has become the den of demons and evil spirit throughout, and shelter for all unclean and hateful bird.
Because all nations have drunk the wine of the wrath of fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury. "(Revelation 18,2-3)

During these last several weeks have been negative news to shake the United States.
The material that caused the disaster Hurricane "Ike" in Texas, the collision of two trains occurred in Los Angeles where 10 people died, the financial crisis that is leading to bankruptcy for large companies like Leman Brothers and others, the crisis that still inmobibliaria endures, high inflation and mismanagement of course that President Bush has given the nation, all these things could be classed as "shock" the pride of the American people used to live in waste and wantonness.
And if they join the thousands who died from the attack on the twin towers, or more than a thousand people died from Hurricane Katrina, or the moral degradation that is coming to American society. All this evidence lugubre the scenario that today the United States.
The next president to be elected may not change much this negative reality.
But the Evangelical Church in the United States can not do something to change this, but even when these churches seem more concerned about their property and political alliances that change the poor spiritual reality in the United States.
This nation for many years has shown hostility to Latino immigrants who enter the country, and warfare with other Arab countries especially.
The administration of President Bush is leading the U.S. confrontation with the world, and probably also look to do with God.
The methods used by the anti-American government and also its people's traditional generosity desdicen previously demonstrated the United States, but now seems to show much pride and arrogance.
Of course one can not generalize to all people.
However, the beating that this nation is experiencing both economic and climatic are a clear warning from God that the United States correcting their wrong policies that have for the world.
Otherwise it is likely that in a short time will get from the trial of God over this nation as it sobrevinieron to other countries such as China or Burma.
The true Christian churches in this country should check the distance in a very clear and with more strength to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to avoid being influenced by the prevailing darkness in this nation. A dark and that is affecting many countries.
It is time we hear the voice from heaven speaks to our conscience by saying: "Come out of her, my people, so do not be partakers of her sins, and receive of her plagues, for her sins have reached to the sky, and God has remembered her iniquities. "(Revelation 18,4-5)

DAS said...

Americans are the most generous people in the world, perhaps in human history.

We are the first on the scene with help and the last to leave whenever tragedy strikes around the world, whether the victims like us or not. (at the cost of many American lives, by the way)

Far from being stuck in "prevailing darkness" America is mostly Christian nation yet we welcome people onto our shores from all over the world in hopes, I believe, that they will discover the truth.

America has immense military power, but seeks to destroy no one.

People of ALL faiths practice freely within our borders without fear of attack.

Anyone who obeys the law and has motivation can be successful.

Are we perfect? No.

But America is still the the "shining city on the hill" that is still the beacon of hope for billions of people.

Lastly, President Bush did not "cause" Hurricane Ike, or the LA train wreck, or any other disaster.

He is a God-fearing man who has openly professed his love for Jesus Christ. He did his best to keep all Americans safe, and for that we should thank God.