Friday, January 2, 2009

A New You For A New Year!

We all have attitudes and habits and thoughts and ways of reacting and responding to things that “are out of date.” They were habits and attitudes that were appropriate in the past but they will be ineffective in 2009.

Your happiness in this New Year is determined to a large degree by your willingness to change, your willingness to be changed by God.

If we don’t change and if we don’t grow we just tend to perpetuate the same old problems over and over. We go into each New Year with the same old hang ups, the same problems, the same responses to life, making the same mistakes and we never grow.

Some people are constantly changing. They’re changing their jobs, they’re changing their homes, and they’re changing their friends, even changing their spouses. But they never think of changing themselves.

As you go forward into 2009 you’ll be facing a lot of new situations. Specifically you’ll face new problems, you’ll face new pressures, and you’ll face new possibilities. And each of these will require a new response, a new attitude, a new adjustment, and a new action.

So this Sunday, the first of the New Year, we’ll focus on Luke 5:36-39 and talk about “A New You For A New Year” and discover what’s required to face 2009!

1 comment:

DAS said...

Whatever God has in store for me this year, I am already thankful.

Because I know me and my family will be better off with God in our lives than without.