I hope you're able to be with us at CLC tomorrow morning. I'll be concluding our series on "What matters most." I'll be speaking about three of the most important things that the leadership has declared to be what defines behavior and attitudes of our church. Should be good!
Immediately following the second service I'll be jetting to the airport. For the next week and a half I'll have a cherry coke in one hand, and Marvina in the other as I watch the sun set over the Gulf of Mexico! So, it'll be a few days before I post again...talk to you soon!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Holy...does it define you?
A survey published by the Barna Group in 2006 demonstrated that most American evangelicals don't consider themselves to be holy. The report states:
76% believe that it is possible for someone to become holy regardless of their past.
55% said that they knew someone they considered to be holy.
29% consider themselves to be holy.
It appears that believers are more convinced of their connection to their old nature than they are to their connection to their connection to their new nature. They're more aware of their acts of sinfulness than they are of their acts of righteousness. They're more aware of their failures than they are of their successes.
I suppose this makes sense. In the journey toward holiness, the ugliness of sin will stick out more, like a smudge on an otherwise beautiful painting. It is this awareness of sin that empowers us to fight it, reject it, and abandon it.
But let's not let ourselves be too aware of sin -- not in the sense that it defines us. Though we struggle with the old man, we must remember that who we really we are is defined by the gift of grace that God has lavished upon us. Hebrews says we have made holy through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:10) and through this sacrifice we are being made holy. (Hebrews 10:14)
The first reference describes our position: God declares us holy. The second reference describes our performance: God is conforming us into the image of Christ.
For this reason we must learn to see ourselves as God sees us: New creatures, created in Christ to become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21) Your struggles with sin -- the fact that sinful tendencies frustrate you -- are an indication of what God has already done in your life and where he is taking you today.
76% believe that it is possible for someone to become holy regardless of their past.
55% said that they knew someone they considered to be holy.
29% consider themselves to be holy.
It appears that believers are more convinced of their connection to their old nature than they are to their connection to their connection to their new nature. They're more aware of their acts of sinfulness than they are of their acts of righteousness. They're more aware of their failures than they are of their successes.
I suppose this makes sense. In the journey toward holiness, the ugliness of sin will stick out more, like a smudge on an otherwise beautiful painting. It is this awareness of sin that empowers us to fight it, reject it, and abandon it.
But let's not let ourselves be too aware of sin -- not in the sense that it defines us. Though we struggle with the old man, we must remember that who we really we are is defined by the gift of grace that God has lavished upon us. Hebrews says we have made holy through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:10) and through this sacrifice we are being made holy. (Hebrews 10:14)
The first reference describes our position: God declares us holy. The second reference describes our performance: God is conforming us into the image of Christ.
For this reason we must learn to see ourselves as God sees us: New creatures, created in Christ to become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21) Your struggles with sin -- the fact that sinful tendencies frustrate you -- are an indication of what God has already done in your life and where he is taking you today.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Prayer Service
Last night I traveled to Brooklyn to attend the Tuesday evening prayer service at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. If you've never been I would encourage you to go sometime. The service was incredible and just what I needed.
What impresses me the most is the sheer simplicity of what they do. They come to worship and pray...that's it. There's no printed agenda with a detailed list of items to be check marked off...just worship and prayer.
I've been on several other occasions, and each time I leave knowing that I've experienced God. Perhaps that's why the doors open at 5:00PM and by 7:00PM the place is jam packed.
I left with a couple of observations...simple, but powerful thoughts:
1. There's an extremely high level of expectation on the part of the congregation, and:
2. The leadership does an incredible job of cultivating an environment for the Holy Spirit to move.
Isn't that what church should be about? People come expecting and God works in their lives in ways that only God can work!
May it be so at Christian Life Center.
What impresses me the most is the sheer simplicity of what they do. They come to worship and pray...that's it. There's no printed agenda with a detailed list of items to be check marked off...just worship and prayer.
I've been on several other occasions, and each time I leave knowing that I've experienced God. Perhaps that's why the doors open at 5:00PM and by 7:00PM the place is jam packed.
I left with a couple of observations...simple, but powerful thoughts:
1. There's an extremely high level of expectation on the part of the congregation, and:
2. The leadership does an incredible job of cultivating an environment for the Holy Spirit to move.
Isn't that what church should be about? People come expecting and God works in their lives in ways that only God can work!
May it be so at Christian Life Center.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Men of Issachar
In 2006 internet giant Google bought youtube.com, a popular website where people can post videos of themselves and others doing anything and everything under the sun. Some videos are serious, some are hilarious and others are just plain dumb, but they’re all pretty much home-made, home-edited amateur recordings.
The founders of youtube.com are two twenty-something average geeky guys who only decided to start this web site 1 ½ years ago, more for fun than anything else. They never imagined it would become the largest video site on the web, but they say they knew people had a desire to express themselves through video. And how much did Google pay to buy the site…$1.65 billion! Split two ways that comes to a cool $825 million a piece. Don’t ever say it doesn’t pay to be a geek!
What was the key to their success? VISION! They had their finger on the pulse of the culture and realized that people wanted a way to express themselves. Webster’s dictionary defines vision as the ability to perceive and foresee. It reminds me of a little obscure verse in 1 Chronicles 12:32. In describing David’s powerful army of over 300,000 men, there was a very important group called the “men of Issachar.” They didn’t shoot arrows or throw spears. These 200 men and their families just had one job…to understand the times and know what decisions should be made.
Their ministry was to see the vision, understand what could be, and then devise a plan for how to make it happen. They could perceive and foresee. These were future-minded, God-directed people.
I'm proud of the leadership team of Christian Life Center. They remind me of the men of Issachar. They too are future-minded and God-directed. All of us are extremely excited for what God is going to do as we go forward into the future! He's given us the vision and we march together...onward and upward!
The founders of youtube.com are two twenty-something average geeky guys who only decided to start this web site 1 ½ years ago, more for fun than anything else. They never imagined it would become the largest video site on the web, but they say they knew people had a desire to express themselves through video. And how much did Google pay to buy the site…$1.65 billion! Split two ways that comes to a cool $825 million a piece. Don’t ever say it doesn’t pay to be a geek!
What was the key to their success? VISION! They had their finger on the pulse of the culture and realized that people wanted a way to express themselves. Webster’s dictionary defines vision as the ability to perceive and foresee. It reminds me of a little obscure verse in 1 Chronicles 12:32. In describing David’s powerful army of over 300,000 men, there was a very important group called the “men of Issachar.” They didn’t shoot arrows or throw spears. These 200 men and their families just had one job…to understand the times and know what decisions should be made.
Their ministry was to see the vision, understand what could be, and then devise a plan for how to make it happen. They could perceive and foresee. These were future-minded, God-directed people.
I'm proud of the leadership team of Christian Life Center. They remind me of the men of Issachar. They too are future-minded and God-directed. All of us are extremely excited for what God is going to do as we go forward into the future! He's given us the vision and we march together...onward and upward!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wise Up!
I could probably talk about the topic of wisdom for days, but this post will be the last word for now. As I've been reading through the Proverbs I notice there are three things we can do to put wisdom to work in our lives immediately.
First, we must believe that thoughts and behavior have consequences and produce corresponding results. When you got up this morning and made coffee, why didn't you mix in a little poison with the sugar and cream? Because you know better. You know the consequences of drinking poison, so you very wisely chose not to put arsenic in your coffee. Congratulations, you've taken the first step in putting wisdom to work in your life.
Second,we canlearn lessons from the positive and negative examples around us. We don't have to graduate from the school of hard knocks in every area of life. We can learn lessons from others. Solomon said in Proverbs 13:20, “He who walks with the wise grows wise.” To put wisdom to work in our lives, we can tap into the wisdom of others.
Third, we can immerse ourselves in God’s wisdom. How do we do that? Read his Word. I would recommend beginning with the book of Proverbs. Read these words day after day. They will seep into our consciousness, and make a difference in the decisions we make.
We can begin to put wisdom to work in our lives if we put God first, believe in consequences, and start surrounding ourselves with wisdom.
First, we must believe that thoughts and behavior have consequences and produce corresponding results. When you got up this morning and made coffee, why didn't you mix in a little poison with the sugar and cream? Because you know better. You know the consequences of drinking poison, so you very wisely chose not to put arsenic in your coffee. Congratulations, you've taken the first step in putting wisdom to work in your life.
Second,we canlearn lessons from the positive and negative examples around us. We don't have to graduate from the school of hard knocks in every area of life. We can learn lessons from others. Solomon said in Proverbs 13:20, “He who walks with the wise grows wise.” To put wisdom to work in our lives, we can tap into the wisdom of others.
Third, we can immerse ourselves in God’s wisdom. How do we do that? Read his Word. I would recommend beginning with the book of Proverbs. Read these words day after day. They will seep into our consciousness, and make a difference in the decisions we make.
We can begin to put wisdom to work in our lives if we put God first, believe in consequences, and start surrounding ourselves with wisdom.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Get More Smarts!
Proverbs says a lot about the benefits of wisdom and what having wisdom will do for us. In the first nine chapters of Proverbs, there are at least ten benefits that I see.
1. Perception. Wisdom gives us an accurate perception of life.
2. Prevention. Wisdom will prevent us from engaging in self-destructive behavior.
3. Wisdom will prolong our life.
4. Peace. As we develop wisdom, we will enjoy a life of peace.
5. Prosperity.
6. Poise.
7. Protection. Wisdom will keep us safe.
8. Precision. Wisdom gives us the ability to take the right number of steps, in the right direction, at the right pace.
9. Prudence. It means "caution" or "discretion" or simply, "good sense."
10. Wisdom Pays!
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10. We start on the path to wisdom by putting God first. The wisest thing we'll ever do is give God the place he deserves in our lives. When I say, "put God first", I mean specifically that we choose Jesus to be the Lord of our life. That is where the path to wisdom begins.
1. Perception. Wisdom gives us an accurate perception of life.
2. Prevention. Wisdom will prevent us from engaging in self-destructive behavior.
3. Wisdom will prolong our life.
4. Peace. As we develop wisdom, we will enjoy a life of peace.
5. Prosperity.
6. Poise.
7. Protection. Wisdom will keep us safe.
8. Precision. Wisdom gives us the ability to take the right number of steps, in the right direction, at the right pace.
9. Prudence. It means "caution" or "discretion" or simply, "good sense."
10. Wisdom Pays!
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10. We start on the path to wisdom by putting God first. The wisest thing we'll ever do is give God the place he deserves in our lives. When I say, "put God first", I mean specifically that we choose Jesus to be the Lord of our life. That is where the path to wisdom begins.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Get Smart!
Let me share something about myself that you probably already know: I ain't the sharpest tool in the box! Now, I wouldn't say I'm as "dumb as dirt" but fortunately I have enough sense to recognize that I'm no genius either! When people ask me what's the one thing they can pray for in my life I always reply with one word: wisdom.
The past few weeks I'm reading through the book of Proverbs. Approximately three thousand years ago, King Solomon, the wisest man ever, compiled a collection of the wisdom he had accumulated over the years. This collection of wisdom is the book Proverbs. It is the original Life's Little Instruction Book, and it contains advice for getting life together and keeping all areas of life together.
In order to succeed in life, we need wisdom. Proverbs show us how to get it and how to apply it to our lives on the most basic level. What is wisdom? Here's a definition. Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions about what to do and what not to do. That's not a very deep and profound definition, but a good one nevertheless. And it's what I pray for daily. God, give me the ability to make good decisions.
Years later, long after Solomon was dead and gone, another well-respected servant of God by the name of James wrote "If any man lacks wisdom let him ask..."
If you're wondering what's the one thing I can do for Christian Life Center it's to ask God to give wisdom to our leadership. More than anything else we need the ability to make God-honoring decisions.
In my next few posts I'm going to be sharing some thoughts from Proverbs; some simple insights as I see them about the benefits of wisdom and what we we can do to put wisdom to work in our lives.
The past few weeks I'm reading through the book of Proverbs. Approximately three thousand years ago, King Solomon, the wisest man ever, compiled a collection of the wisdom he had accumulated over the years. This collection of wisdom is the book Proverbs. It is the original Life's Little Instruction Book, and it contains advice for getting life together and keeping all areas of life together.
In order to succeed in life, we need wisdom. Proverbs show us how to get it and how to apply it to our lives on the most basic level. What is wisdom? Here's a definition. Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions about what to do and what not to do. That's not a very deep and profound definition, but a good one nevertheless. And it's what I pray for daily. God, give me the ability to make good decisions.
Years later, long after Solomon was dead and gone, another well-respected servant of God by the name of James wrote "If any man lacks wisdom let him ask..."
If you're wondering what's the one thing I can do for Christian Life Center it's to ask God to give wisdom to our leadership. More than anything else we need the ability to make God-honoring decisions.
In my next few posts I'm going to be sharing some thoughts from Proverbs; some simple insights as I see them about the benefits of wisdom and what we we can do to put wisdom to work in our lives.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Consistency in Ministry
I've been reflecting on our services this morning at CLC. I didn't say this today in either first or second service, but I wish I had:
What's the one thing the Bensaelem community needs from us as a gathering of Christ followers? They need to know that every week things are going to be the same at this church: we gather together to encourage one another, love one another, lift up the name of Jesus, and proclaim the truth of the Gospel—and we do it week after week after week.
Our commitment to reaching the lost is permanent; our commitment to building up disciples is permanent; our commitment to changing the world is permanent. These commitments are permanent because they are not based on convenience, they're based on conviction. Being consistent in our walk with Christ and in our work of the ministry must become our ultimate priority.
A church that is consistent lives by its faith, not by its feelings!
As a church there are some things we simply aren't yet able to do. We don't have a laser light show, we don't have multi-media presentations on a jumbo-tron screen, and we don't have a best-selling author in the pulpit. But I'll tell you what we do have: we have the ability to encourage one another, to love one another, to lift up the name of Christ, to teach the simple truth of the Bible and to do it week after week after week.
In my opinion, that's what makes CLC a great church. Whatever amenities we may add in the future—and as we grow we'll certainly add some—whatever amenities we add will only complement the real work that God is doing here—as we glorify him by being the body of Christ.
What's the one thing the Bensaelem community needs from us as a gathering of Christ followers? They need to know that every week things are going to be the same at this church: we gather together to encourage one another, love one another, lift up the name of Jesus, and proclaim the truth of the Gospel—and we do it week after week after week.
Our commitment to reaching the lost is permanent; our commitment to building up disciples is permanent; our commitment to changing the world is permanent. These commitments are permanent because they are not based on convenience, they're based on conviction. Being consistent in our walk with Christ and in our work of the ministry must become our ultimate priority.
A church that is consistent lives by its faith, not by its feelings!
As a church there are some things we simply aren't yet able to do. We don't have a laser light show, we don't have multi-media presentations on a jumbo-tron screen, and we don't have a best-selling author in the pulpit. But I'll tell you what we do have: we have the ability to encourage one another, to love one another, to lift up the name of Christ, to teach the simple truth of the Bible and to do it week after week after week.
In my opinion, that's what makes CLC a great church. Whatever amenities we may add in the future—and as we grow we'll certainly add some—whatever amenities we add will only complement the real work that God is doing here—as we glorify him by being the body of Christ.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Middle of the night musings...
One of those nights again. Went to bed and drifted right off to sleep, only to awake a few hours later and now here I am...wide awake. I've been reading an interesting book by Donald Miller called Blue Like Jazz. The sub-title advertises it as "non-religious thoughts on Christian Spirituality."
It's a good read. I'm enjoying his perspective on varies Christian themes, i.e. grace, faith, redemption, etc. The best line of the book...one that caught me off guard...is this: "Sometimes the things we want most in life are the things that will kill us." That's sorta similar to a comment I made Wednesday evening. I was talking about Joseph...the Old Testament guy, not Jesus's dad...and I said sometimes doing the right thing can get you in the wrong place. Agree or disagree with Miller's assessment, it's nevertheless a sobering thought.
It's caused me to question myself. What am I chasing after? What do I want the most? And does what I want have the potential to "kill" me? And why-in-the-world-am-I-up-at-2:30-in- the-morning-when-I-should-be-sleeping-but-can't-cause-my-mind-won't-stop-and-gosh-I-hope-Gordon-has-a-good-finish-Sunday-and-I-hope-people-enjoy-what-I-have-to-say-in-church-and-I-wonder-if-there's-any-ice-cream-left-in-the-freezer...
I think I'll go see what's there!!!
It's a good read. I'm enjoying his perspective on varies Christian themes, i.e. grace, faith, redemption, etc. The best line of the book...one that caught me off guard...is this: "Sometimes the things we want most in life are the things that will kill us." That's sorta similar to a comment I made Wednesday evening. I was talking about Joseph...the Old Testament guy, not Jesus's dad...and I said sometimes doing the right thing can get you in the wrong place. Agree or disagree with Miller's assessment, it's nevertheless a sobering thought.
It's caused me to question myself. What am I chasing after? What do I want the most? And does what I want have the potential to "kill" me? And why-in-the-world-am-I-up-at-2:30-in- the-morning-when-I-should-be-sleeping-but-can't-cause-my-mind-won't-stop-and-gosh-I-hope-Gordon-has-a-good-finish-Sunday-and-I-hope-people-enjoy-what-I-have-to-say-in-church-and-I-wonder-if-there's-any-ice-cream-left-in-the-freezer...
I think I'll go see what's there!!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Power of Repentance
I came across these the other day and found them quite moving. Read them slowly and reflect on God's mercy!
It is impossible for a man to be freed from the habit of sin before he hates it, just as it is impossible to receive forgiveness before confessing his trespasses... --Ignatius
Any concept of grace that makes us feel more comfortable sinning is not biblical grace. God's grace never encourages us to live in sin, on the contrary, it empowers us to say no to sin and yes to truth. --Randy Alcorn
We have a strange illusion that mere time cancels sin. But mere time does nothing either to the fact or to the guilt of a sin. --CS Lewis
In short, a man must be set free from the sin he is , which makes him do the sin he does. --George MacDonald
Primarily, God is not bound to punish sin; he is bound to destroy sin. The only vengeance worth having on sin is to make the sinner himself its executioner. --George MacDonald
You are the way you are because that's the way you want to be. If you really wanted to be any different, you would be in the process of changing right now. --Fred Smith
The temptation of the age is to look good without being good. --Brennan Manning
Sin and the child of God are incompatible. They may occasionally meet; they cannot live together in harmony --John R. W. Stott
How else but through a broken heart may Lord Christ enter in? --Oscar Wilde
When prodigals return great things are done. --A.A. Dowty
It is impossible for a man to be freed from the habit of sin before he hates it, just as it is impossible to receive forgiveness before confessing his trespasses... --Ignatius
Any concept of grace that makes us feel more comfortable sinning is not biblical grace. God's grace never encourages us to live in sin, on the contrary, it empowers us to say no to sin and yes to truth. --Randy Alcorn
We have a strange illusion that mere time cancels sin. But mere time does nothing either to the fact or to the guilt of a sin. --CS Lewis
In short, a man must be set free from the sin he is , which makes him do the sin he does. --George MacDonald
Primarily, God is not bound to punish sin; he is bound to destroy sin. The only vengeance worth having on sin is to make the sinner himself its executioner. --George MacDonald
You are the way you are because that's the way you want to be. If you really wanted to be any different, you would be in the process of changing right now. --Fred Smith
The temptation of the age is to look good without being good. --Brennan Manning
Sin and the child of God are incompatible. They may occasionally meet; they cannot live together in harmony --John R. W. Stott
How else but through a broken heart may Lord Christ enter in? --Oscar Wilde
When prodigals return great things are done. --A.A. Dowty
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Tonight we spent some time with the leadership team of CLC talking about the kind of church we want to be. We passionately believe it is crucial for Christian Life Center to transition from a conversion culture to a transformation culture! That’s why we have adopted our vision statement as the following:
To create a place where people discover God, and experience His power in Life-changing ways.
1. Discover – the reality of God’s love & relationship
2. Experience – the power of His presence
3. Life-Change – the transformation of their life
This coming Sunday I'll talk more about what this means and how it needs to impacts our services at Christian Life Center.
Hope to see you there!
To create a place where people discover God, and experience His power in Life-changing ways.
1. Discover – the reality of God’s love & relationship
2. Experience – the power of His presence
3. Life-Change – the transformation of their life
This coming Sunday I'll talk more about what this means and how it needs to impacts our services at Christian Life Center.
Hope to see you there!
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