Friday, April 18, 2008

I've Done It!

Ok, so I've taken the plunge...I've jumped into this thing called "blogging." I feel like a 16 yr old kid with a new drivers license taking the family car out for the first time. Let's hope I don't get so excited that I forget which peddle is the "Brake" and which is the "Gas." So, be patience as I learn to navigate through the process. Please check back periodically to read my thoughts, musings, rants, etc. I should warn you, however, if you’re looking for profound, deep intellectual dissertations on the mysteries of life you’ll be disappointed… or perhaps greatly amused at the simplicity my stupidity!


E Elliott said...

Never thought I had a "Rockin" Pastor :)

If the truth been known...this is the first time I went to anyones blog before..........guess it was time:)

Chris & Dan said...

Simple is good and preferable to simple people like us.


Chris & Dan said...

Just don't get BLOGGED down with details.

joybelle said...

Zippy for you! I looked up the word ditty (b/c I use it often) and found that it means: “A saying or utterance; especially, one that is short and frequently repeated; a theme. “ Interpretation: a ditty is a short comment. So-I thought “PDitty Dell” would be a good blog name for you. J -sharing your joy with your new toy. Have fun!

belliott said...

Who wants "profound, deep intellectual dissertations on the mysteries of life " We want to hear the RANTINGS

Have fun.

lens said...

Imagine someone suggesting that there is strange resemblance to a space cowboy named MORK!

Now imagine it sticks!!

Enjoy the ride!

Gerald said...

Hey, Pastor Del, welcome to the "blogosphere"! I'm looking forward to reading it. :-)

Michele said...

I can't wait to read your posts. Sometimes simple is best - at least for me :)

JoyceJ said...

My interest is peaked! Can't wait to read what's next. Simple is definitely good.