Thursday, December 4, 2008


I read an interesting article about the church recently that mentioned there are three kinds of churches: the Hotel, the Asylum, and the Hospital. It's an fascinating analogy! Is Christian Life Center one of these?

The Hotel model is the kind of church where people come in and don't lift a finger: all the work is done by someone else. Their stay is temporary, it does not become their home, and it usually isn't long before they check out -- leaving nothing of themselves behind, taking with them all they brought in.

The Asylum model is the kind of church where people arrive with problems and leave with their problems multiplied. It's a place where people go but never get better, and sometimes they get worse.

The Hospital model is the kind of church where hurting people can find healing. There are sick people in the hospital-church, but they're not judged for being sick -- they're just made whole again.

I hope we're more like the hospital model than the others! Our purpose, clearly, is to be a hospital the sin-sick soul. Our goal is to help people discover God and experience His power in life-changing ways; to find healing for their broken lives through the healing power of Jesus Christ!


Kevin said...

Pastor Del,
I used to go to a church in Atlanta, Georgia named Mount Paran Church of God. And every so often my pastor, David Cooper, would call the church a hospital on a hill. I've been an attender of CLC since 2004 and I would argue that CLC is hospital as well. I know for a fact that God's healing work has been upon me numerous times through the people of CLC. Keep up God's good work.

Unknown said...

Just yesterday my neighbor and I were discussing the various reasons we/other people like their churches.I told her that I started attending CLC 5 years ago and the reason I like it is that whatever I've been going through that week or have wondered about that week somehow makes it into the sermon. This has been true especially onwednesday nights, regardless of who is teaching. Sometimes I think I've heard something from the Lord and it is confirmed when I go to church. So it was no surprise again yesterday that the teaching was about mending broken relationships and getting spiritual check-ups.I have been planning to have a 40-day fast for the 40 days preceeding my 40th birthday. I figured all numbers are important to the Lord but 40 is special and I'm truly happy to have lived this long. Anyway, Day one was today. The purpose of this fast was to take a close look (with the help of The Holy Spirit) at my last 40 years which have been mostly filled with lots of hurt and baggage resulting from broken relationships so I can prepare for the next 40 with a view to making the next 40 more God-filled. I came to church expecting God to tell me something regarding my plans and He did not disappoint. Most people prefer hotel food but I say no thanks. Hospital food is best.

Michele said...

Unfortuately, I believe this church is partially a hotel church. If you look at the different ministries and events, it's usually the same people helping in each of them. It's the 20-80 rule, 20% of the people doing 80% of the work. As a congregation, more people need to get out of the pews and into serving others, with whatever gift that God has bestowed upon them. If you look in the bulletin on any given Sunday, you will see a ministry needs help and it's listed Sunday after Sunday after Sunday for weeks, if not months.

The other part of the church is a hospital church. The Holy Spirit is ministering to broken lives and working through Pastor Del in his sermons to touch the people who need to know that God is there for them. God will use other people to help minister to these hurting people, but only if the first set of people get involved to help make this church all that God intended His churches to be.