Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Be An Encourager!

You know what happens when a boxer goes to his corner between rounds. His team gathers round him, dressing his wounds, keeping his muscles loose, offering encouragement and advice: "You can do this. You can win this fight. Watch for his left hook. Keep your guard up. You can do it." And on and on. They keep doing this, even when the fighter is getting beat.

Every person needs one or two people in their corner encouraging them to stay in the fight. Especially when we're getting beaten up by our circumstances -- we need encouragement and support.

I hope you have someone doing this for you, but right now I want you to think of something even more important. There are one or two people in your life with whom you have special influence. Your words carry more weight with them than anyone else's. Don't be stingy with them. Use your words generously. Be an encourager.

A few years back Pepper Rogers, then head football coach at UCLA, was going through a terrible season. He was very upset about it, and he didn't think his wife was encouraging him enough. He said, "My dog is my best friend. I told my wife that a man needs at least two friends. She told me to go out and buy another dog."

Don't make your friends go out and buy another dog. Give them encouragement and support when they need it!

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