Andre Previn said, "If I miss a day of practice, I know it. If I miss two days, my manager knows it. If I miss three days, my audience, knows it."
He was talking about the piano, but the same is true about your devotional life. When you're spending time with God on a consistent basis, it shows. When you aren't, it also shows. You'll see it first, then those closest to you, and, pretty soon, it will be obvious to everyone.
Paul said that you are "transformed by the renewing of your mind..." (Romans 12:2) This renewal -- this transformation -- occurs during those quiet moments we spend in the presence of God, when he open his Word and open our hearts to what the Spirit would say to us.
No matter what one accomplishes professionally in the work of the ministry, this time with God remains a daily priority. If Andre Previn needs to practice the piano every day to stay at his best, we need to practice the presence of God every day to stay at our best.
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Daily Practice is intersting, but I want to ask something, why is the Christianity that CLC teaches only a skin deep christianity?
Confused? Let me help, Stage redone.... How much money did ya spend??? Oh yeah spandex, black curtains, and multi screens will get people to heaven.
Instead of trying to create what ever you are trying to create, why not spend that money on clothing the poor, and taking care of the Widows???? I think I read that in the bible someplace.
Or better yet, stop making God's house like a movie theater, and teach the Word of God.
Jesus preached on mountain sides, and outdoors, and people listened, (very simple) you call yourselves followers, how about following
Stop wasting money we don't have (according to the bullitine at least) and stop worrying about the surface crap, and get into the Word and teach people to grow in God's word!!
How about a first step, teach your people to bring their bible and open it and see for them selves what is being taught. Stop worrying about screens, just teach not preach.
The only way for this church to become a true church is for the people to be taught God's word, not your cute stories and your perception of the bible.
Get up there with no notes and stories crack open the word and read and explain and expound, if we want stories, we can watch TV or see a movie.
Stop with the Skin Deep Crap, and become a man of God, follow the best example, Jesus and teach the people, and truely impact lives!!!!
Ever want to see how effective you are, here is a challenge. Hold service out in the back field for 3 months, no sound, no stage, no lights, no chairs, just you and the Word of God let's see how many people show up.. then you will see how few of your many are going to heaven and are commited to God and not the Center.
Thank you for reminding me to "practice" my faith and being in the Presence of the Final Judge and Jury each and every day. Thank you for teaching us like it is the year 2008 and not like the previous blogger would have you do. I thank our heavenly Father for you and for educating us through you. It's a shame that the previous blogger needs to use this forum to vent his personal attacks against you. I pray for him.
Teaching like it is 2008... Wow what a concept, let me ask you something, have we modernized the 10 commandments? Nope same rules, we can not keep a one of them.
Did Jesus build a building so he could teach???
Is Jesus (our messiah remeber) outdated? How about the Bible?? I guess we need to modernize that too thats too old.
Did you ever think that with all our technology and capability, we still can not keep 10 simple rules written thousands of years ago.
Ok here is another one. the last series Del spoke, name the sermons tell me the scriptures, and Expound the scriptures for me.
Good luck with that
Thanks, Aslatz!
Pastor Del, I thank God that He has chosen you to lead our congregation. The Holy Spirit is still among us, working through you to preach the Word of God, as evidenced by people coming to the altars every Sunday to receive Jesus as their personal Savior.
I believe that as a church we are ministering to the sick, clothing the poor, and taking care of the widows. I personally know of families who have been blessed by gift cards to grocery stores, visitations in hospitals by Pastors and care ministry workers, homemade shawls to hospice patients, Christmas gifts for the children of parents who have little money to buy them for their own children, and warm clothing to those in our community in their times of need. All of these things are coordinated through the Pastor
Chris and the Care Ministry of this church, utilizing not only the finances of the church but the time and talents lovingly given by members of this congregation.
If the first blogger was truly in the Word, I think he may want to reread Ephesians 4:15 which talks about speaking the truth in love (which I wouldn't consider his posts to be doing - they seem more like angry rants to me), as well as how as we as a body grow more in Christ, with all gifts he blesses us with, are to grow and build itself in love. Under Pastor Del and the other pastors, this congregation is growing, maybe not in numbers, but in the enthusiam in worshipping, learning about, and in service to our Lord.
Finally, I wonder how much time this blogger volunteered - without expecting to receive any of the financial resources of this church - to help create a warmer yet more dynamic atmosphere in which to worship and learn about God. I can answer that - none. My husband and young sons spent 3-8 hour days here this past week, without any expectation of recognition or financial compensation, using their talents and willingness to serve God and His people, just as the Bible commands us to. Pastor Del, they have heard your preaching and have grown in their faith so that it is more than skin deep. As a wife, mother, and sister in Christ, I thank you and thank God for sending you to us.
Don't get it
REPLAY: Meant to say "don't get caught up in it" earlier, but accidently hit the 'Enter' key while carrying on a conversation. Anywho...thanks, Michele. Well said.
I would just like to encourage you, and anyone else who gives their time, talents, and resources to do the Lord's work. People grow at different rates and in different ways being reached by all sorts of presentation styles. As long as you're following God's leading and people are discovering God and growing in their relationship with Him, I think that's what really matters in the end.
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